Monday, October 27, 2014

Why Your MBE Scores Went Down

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Many of the student inquiries nationwide, who were 2x and 3x time bar takes, indicated to us that their MBE scores dropped an average of 5 to 8 points, and in some cases 12 to 15 points.  To our knowledge, this has never happened in recent MBE times. So what was the cause and effect?

The MBE is going through several small reconstructions.  There are longer fact patterns, single questions, fact based answers, less scale points, not revealing students’ raw scores, and, now, an additional tested subject, Federal Civil Procedure,  which is a cross-over subject.  These facts contributed to the lower MBE scores as well as the over-all lower bar pass rate nationwide.  The Florida July 2014 bar pass rate was 71% - down from an average of 75%.  Last week, Nevada’s results came out; the pass rate was 57% - down from an average of 65%.

This is the “new” MBE reality.
In light of this information, you should retain an MBE Testing Institute tutor now.

An MBE Tutor is important to the repeat taker.  The MBE Testing Institute can help you overcome the difficulty of the MBE test and help you to a successful score.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at for more information.

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