Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The February 2016 Bar Exam: Say Good Bye to The Last New York Bar Exam

February 2016 will be the last New York bar exam ever given.  Effective July 2016, New York will administer the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE).

The New York section consists of five essay questions and 50 multiple choice questions prepared by the New York Board, and one Multistate Performance Test question, developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners. Students take the MBE on the following day.

The UBE consists of  the MBE Exam, two MPTs, and six 30 minute essays.

Our students fall into two categories:  Those who hate the UBE and those who want to wait for the UBE.

We have students who dread the idea of even taking the UBE and are determined to pass in February.  These students are all from New York, went to New York law schools and know New York law.  If they don’t pass, they must forget everything they learned about New York law and learn the MEE essay topics.  They will have to get new bar exam books and have to get used to writing 30 minute general essays instead of 45 minute New York essays.  They then have to take 2 MPTs instead of the standard 1 MPT they are used to taking.

To those students – take the step to get an MBE Testing Institute tutor so that you will pass in February and not have to face the nightmare of having to alter your studies and take a whole new bar exam that you are not familiar with.

We have students asking us whether they should sit out the February bar exam because they think the UBE may be easier to pass. These students are usually the LLM  or foreign educated students or the students who are unfamiliar with New York law.  In addition, if they get a high enough score (a 266), regardless of where they took the UBE, they can waive into New York.  The LLM students and the foreign educated attorneys have had a difficult time in passing the New York bar exam – less than 45% pass the bar exam at any given time – and the repeat rate is down to the 30s. 

We caution those students who think it will be easier to pass the UBE and will sit out for February.  Getting a 266 on the UBE is a tough proposition.  We have helped students in other jurisdictions pass the UBE.  It is no cake walk.  LLM students find it almost an impossible task to complete 2 MPTs in the time given.  So, make sure that you understand the pros and cons before sitting out to wait for the UBE.  The MBE Testing Institute can help you in February for the New York bar exam and in July for the UBE.

The last hurrah for New York bar exam takers – make it a good one and pass before the changes come!

The MBE Testing Institute will be conducting a New York Bar Exam seminar in New York City on November 21, 2015 and in California on December 5th in LA and December 6th in San Francisco

Contact us for early bird discounts and partial scholarships now.

The MBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information. 

Solutions for Success!

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