Friday, November 4, 2016

Texas, Rhode Island, Maryland Bar Exam Results and the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Course

Texas' bar exam results for July 2016 were released yesterday.  Rhode Island and Maryland bar exam results will be released today.

Texas' overall pass rate was 70.4%, first time taker pass rate was 78%, repeat taker pass rate was 41%.  Out of state students only had a 33% repeat pass rate.  TSU only had a 66% first time pass rate and a 31% repeat pass rate.  In-state students only had a repeat pass rate of 48%.   We point these numbers out because repeat bar takers have trouble passing the bar exam.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute can help you succeed and put the bar exam behind you as your start your career as a lawyer.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute offers Texas' one-on-one tutorials. Contact us today.

For students who were unsuccessful on the July 2016 Texas or Rhode Island MEE bar exam, it is imperative that you retain an MBE & UBE Testing Institute tutor to start your preparation for the February 2017 bar exam. We can help you be successful in February.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be conducting one-on-one tutorials for all Texas and Rhode Island students.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be conducting a UBE & MBE Exam seminar in Charleston, South Carolina on December 3, 2016, in Newark on December 10th and in Washington, DC on December 17th.  Contact us for details.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, and follow us on twitter @MBETesting

Solutions for Success!

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