Thursday, December 3, 2015

The February 2016 Bar Exam: Plan Ahead and Stick to A Schedule

In order to pass the bar exam in February 2016, you need two things: time-management and discipline. Planning ahead and sticking to a schedule will conquer both requirements. Thorough preparation is the key to passing the exam and having a schedule in place will allow you to manage your time and to stick to a study timetable. For a plan to work, you have to address your learning style as well as the substantive areas you will be tested on.

First make a calendar of the next 3 months – up to the bar exam date in February 2015. Set out a timetable of when and where you will study per day. Be sure your schedule is realistic. If you make it too onerous, you will not follow the schedule and you will put off studying. Be realistic with your goals and your study habits. For example, you can’t go throughout the entire day with no lunch or no exercise or take no breaks because you were unrealistic in the time aspect of your plan. You have to write a study plan that suits you and your personality without slacking off.

In the beginning, you are going to struggle with the voluminous materials, but keep at it and keep pushing the pace. It’s like training for a race. You first have to struggle through the repetition until it starts feeling right and you start performing at your optimal level.

For your schedule, you should first start with relearning and reviewing the outlines with some practice questions thrown in and as you pick up the pace, you’ll reverse it and do more practice questions and essays and only use your outlines for clarification on questions you get wrong or confused about.

Don’t ignore your weak areas or your strong areas. You may not need to schedule as much time in your stronger subjects, but review them as consistently as you do all the other subjects. You may not need to read or reread the outlines of your strong subjects, but during those time periods, practice your questions. You may need those extra points on the bar. For your weaker subjects, don’t spend too much time obsessing on your lack of knowledge or take away from other subjects you also need to study; and do not ignore your weak subjects. All bar examinees have weak subjects. Again, spend time on those subjects as you would other subjects and just keep practicing. You’ll be surprised at how much you really do know in those weak subjects.

The MBE Testing Institute will be conducting an MBE California exam seminar in California on December 5th in LA and December 6th in San Francisco

Contact us for early bird discounts and partial scholarships now.

The MBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at for more information. 

Solutions for Success!

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