Friday, March 31, 2023

North Carolina's Bar Exam Results - Repeat Takers Passed at a 29% Pass Rate. We 100% Correctly Selected Both Secured Transactions and Civil Procedure Which Was the Game Changer for the UBE Bar Exam

The North Carolina February 2023 bar exam results indicated that only 29% of the repeat takers pass the UBE bar exam.  71% of the repeat takers failed the bar exam. These statistics are alarming, shocking and unacceptable.

Considered traditionally the two (2) most difficult subjects on any bar exam, we correctly selected and analyzed the areas tested.  Please see our February 2023 UBE Predictions and Blueprint. We also predicted 83% of the tested subjects.

We can help you start on your UBE preparation. Our special UBE Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

We 100% Correctly Selected the Highlight Essay, Professional Responsibility, for the California Bar Exam in February 2023 and Correctly Selected Contracts, Remedies & Evidence

We can help you start on your California preparation. Our special California Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services. For the February 2023 California essay bar exam, we were 100% accurate, with our “Highlight” topic appearing on the bar exam and with our selected topics of Contracts, Remedies and Evidence

Our California February 2023 Essay Prediction & Blueprint was clearly an excellent study tool for preparing out students for the bar exam.  This document allowed our students to study not only the tested subject; but legal concepts which is even more valuable (please see our February 2023 California Essay Predictions & Blueprint).

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of California’s Essay Examination. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for California.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

We were 100% Accurate For the Florida February 2023 Essay Bar Exam - And Selected All of the Professional Responsibility New Law Areas Which Was Also 100% Accurate

We selected all 3 Florida essay subjects as well as the Professional Responsibility aspects (please see our February 2023 Florida Essay Prediction and Blueprint).

Our Essay Selector is designed to better prepare our students for the Florida essay bar exam.  It is a hybrid – a legal and fact based document for the preparation for the bar exam.

We selected Professional Responsibility in our Florida Essay Prediction and Focus Area Blueprint and our students was clearly tagged to study the following professional responsibility sub-topics for the February 2023 Florida bar exam (see Feb 2023 Florida Essay Predictions).

Our Document emphasized:

 ·         Reasonable Fee

·         Sharing Fee

·         Former Client

·         Conflict of Interest

·         And the new Florida law on Referral Fees

·         Qualifying Providers (Lawyer Referral Services)

Please see our Florida Essay Bar Exam book.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

We Were Accurate On the February 2023 Essay UBE Predictions with Secured Transactions and Civil Procedure as Highlight Topics To Be Tested on the Bar Exam & Overall 83% Accurate on All Topics

Considered traditionally the two (2) most difficult subjects on any bar exam, we correctly selected and analyzed the areas tested.  Please see our February 2023 UBE Predictions and Blueprint. We also predicted 83% of the tested subjects.

We can help you start on your UBE preparation. Our special UBE Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of short answer essays of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with critical feedback. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for the UBE.

We also have our extensive three volume set books for the UBE Bar Exam Essays and MBE. These books are titled, “The UBE” and “The MPT and the “MBE”. This three volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in UBE law and the UBE bar exam. If you are having problems passing the UBE, then this innovative approach is ideal for you. This three volume set focuses on most commonly and previously tested areas, frequently tested areas, most likely tested areas, based on UBE trends in the law. It is the ultimate and complete guide to the UBE essays and MBE. Please go to our website and purchase the books.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Our California Tutorials and California Books Can Help You Pass the California Bar Exam - We 100% Correctly Selected the Highlight Essay for the California Bar Exam in February 2023

We can help you start on your California preparation. Our special California Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services. For the February 2023 California essay bar exam, we were 100% accurate, with our “Highlight” topic appearing on the bar exam.

Our California February 2023 Essay Prediction & Blueprint was clearly an excellent study tool for preparing out students for the bar exam.  This document allowed our students to study not only the tested subject; but legal concepts which is even more valuable (please see our February 2023 California Essay Predictions & Blueprint).

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of California’s Essay Examination. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for California.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.


Friday, March 24, 2023

We were 83% Accurate on the February 2023 Bar Exam and 100% Accurate with the "Highlight" Topics of Secured Transaction & Civil Procedure and Criminal Law

We were 83% accurate on the February 2023 bar exam and 100% accurate with the "Highlight" topics of Secured Transaction & Civil Procedure and Criminal Law. Considered traditionally the two (2) most difficult subjects on any bar exam, We correctly selected and analyzed the areas tested.  Please see our February 2023 UBE Predictions and Blueprint.

We can help you start on your UBE preparation. Our special UBE Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of short answer essays of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with critical feedback. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for the UBE.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Our July 2023 Bar Exam Tutorials for the Florida Bar Exam – We Can Help You Pass the Bar Exam

Obtaining our Florida bar exam tutor will help you pass. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills.

A structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers. We have a unique cross training system that keeps the students working towards their goals of passing the bar exam.   We have had much success with students who have taken the bar exam two, three and even eight times.

We are experts in helping repeat bar takers.  We help those repeat bar takers who think they can never pass the bar exam.  We help professionals who are working, students with families, older and wiser students because we work on the student’s schedule.

We work only with repeat takers and we have personal knowledge of the struggles that the students face when they have failed the bar exam. If you are a repeat taker, please contact us to learn about our extended program.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

We Are Now Offering a Unique Tutorial Program Designed for the Challenges of Taking the Bar Exam For Our International Students & Lawyers for the July 2023 Bar Exam

All of us know that international students face unique challenges in preparing and studying for the bar exam for July 2023. We provide that unique tutorial program that addresses the special needs for our international students.  You can register now for our “Extended Tutorial Program.”

We can help you start on your UBE, California or Florida preparation. Our special UBE, California, and Florida Programs are designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The July 2023 Bar Exam: It's Time For You to Get Your Bar Exam Books

It’s time to get your our books for the UBE, Florida, or California July 20223.  Our books are the edge you need.

We have our extensive three volume set books for the UBE, California, or Florida Bar Exam Essays and MBE. These volume sets was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in UBE, Florida and California law and the UBE, Florida and California bar exam.

If you are having problems passing the UBE, Florida or California Bar Exam, then this innovative approach is ideal for you. This three volume set focuses on most commonly and previously tested areas, frequently tested areas, most likely tested areas, based on UBE, Florida and California trends in the law. It is the ultimate and complete guide to the UBE, Florida, California essays and MBE. Please go to our website and purchase the books.

We can help you start on your UBE, California or Florida preparation. Our special UBE, California, and Florida Programs are designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

 If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Monday, March 20, 2023

For The February 2023 Bar Exam For The UBE, Florida And California, We Were 84% Accurate In Their Selected, Tested Bar Exam Subjects.  We Were 100% Accurate In Our Selected Highlight Topic, For The UBE, Secured Transaction, For Florida – Constitutional Law, And California – Professional Responsibility

For the February 2023 bar exam for the UBE, Florida and California, we were 84% accurate in the selected, tested bar exam subjects.  We were 100% accurate in our selected highlight topic, for the UBE we were accurate in selecting secured transactions; for Florida, we were accurate when we selected Constitutional Law; and for California we were accurate in selecting Professional Responsibility.

We can help you start on your UBE, California or Florida preparation. Our special UBE, California, and Florida Programs are designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

We have also developed a book set for the UBE, Florida and California.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Friday, March 17, 2023

We Were Accurate On the February 2023 Essay UBE Predictions with Secured Transactions and Civil Procedure as Highlight Topics To Be Tested on the Bar Exam & Overall 83% Accurate on All Topics

Considered traditionally the two (2) most difficult subjects on any bar exam, Bar Professors correctly selected and analyzed the areas tested.  Please see our February 2023 UBE Predictions and Blueprint. We also predicted 83% of the tested subjects.

We can help you start on your UBE preparation. Our special UBE Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of short answer essays of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with critical feedback. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for the UBE.

We also have our extensive three volume set books for the UBE Bar Exam Essays and MBE. These books are titled, “The UBE” and “The MPT and the “MBE”. This three volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in UBE law and the UBE bar exam. If you are having problems passing the UBE, then this innovative approach is ideal for you. This three volume set focuses on most commonly and previously tested areas, frequently tested areas, most likely tested areas, based on UBE trends in the law. It is the ultimate and complete guide to the UBE essays and MBE. Please go to our website and purchase the books.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

The July 2023 UBE and MPT Bar Exam Books Are Now Available as Well as Outstanding Tutorial Service

We can help you start on your UBE preparation. Our special UBE Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of short answer essays of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with critical feedback. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for the UBE.

We also have our extensive three volume set books for the UBE Bar Exam Essays and MBE. These books are titled, “The UBE” and “The MPT and the “MBE”. This three volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in UBE law and the UBE bar exam. If you are having problems passing the UBE, then this innovative approach is ideal for you. This three volume set focuses on most commonly and previously tested areas, frequently tested areas, most likely tested areas, based on UBE trends in the law. It is the ultimate and complete guide to the UBE essays and MBE. Please go to our website and purchase the books.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Our February 2023 Florida Essay Predictions Correctly Selected Professional Responsibility as an Adjunct Subject And Correctly Selected All 3 Essays for 100%.

We selected Professional Responsibility in our Florida Essay Prediction and Focus Area Blueprint and our students was clearly tagged to study the following professional responsibility sub-topics for the February 2023 Florida bar exam (see Feb 2023 Florida Essay Predictions).

 Our Document emphasized

 ·         Reasonable fee

            Sharing Fee

·         Former Client

·         Conflict of Interest

·         And the new Florida law on Referral Fees

·         Qualifying Providers (Lawyer Referral Services)

Please see our Florida Essay Bar Exam book.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Our California Tutorials and California Books Can Help You Pass the California Bar Exam

We can help you start on your California preparation. Our special California Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of California’s Essay Examination. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for California.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Monday, March 13, 2023

The “Florida Book” and the “Florida Multiple Choice”– The Most Updated and Definitive Books You Need to Pass the Florida Bar Exam

For anyone taking the Florida bar exam, purchase our extensive and updated 2 volume set books for the Florida Bar Exam Essays, and Multiple Choice. These books are titled, “The Florida Book” and  the “Florida Multiple Choice.”

This 2 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in Florida law and the Florida bar exam. If you are having problems passing the Florida, then this innovative approach is ideal for you. This essay and multiple choice set focuses on most commonly and previously tested areas, frequently tested areas, most likely tested areas, based on Florida trends in the law. It is the ultimate and complete guide to the Florida essays, and the Florida Multiple Choice.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Friday, March 10, 2023

We Are Now Offering For Its International Students & Lawyers a Unique Tutorial Program Designed for the Challenges of Taking the Bar Exam

All of us know that international students face unique challenges in preparing and studying for the bar exam. We provide that unique tutorial program that addresses the special needs for our international students.  You can register now for our “Extended Tutorial Program.”

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

We Correctly Selected 70% of the Essays for the California Bar Exam in February 2023

For the February 2023 California essay bar exam, we were 70% accurate, with our “Highlight” topic appearing on the bar exam. 

Our California February 2023 Essay Prediction & Blueprint was clearly an excellent study tool for preparing out students for the bar exam.  This document allowed our students to study not only the tested subject; but legal concepts which is even more valuable (please see our February 2023 California Essay Predictions & Blueprint).

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

We Were 100% Accurate on its "Highlight" Essay Tested Subjects for the UBE, Florida & California Bar Exam for the February 2023 Bar Exam

 Our “Highlight” tested Essay Subject means, the essay subject that statistically is most likely to appear on the bar exam. We were 100% accurate on its highlighted tested subjects for the UBE, Florida and California bar exams for February 2023.

The “Highlight” tested subjects that was selected by Bar Professors was for the UBE, “Secured Transactions,” for Florida, the highlighted subject was “Florida & Federal Constitutional Law,” and for California, the highlighted tested subject was “Professional Responsibility.”  All three of these highlighted tested subjects were on the bar exam.  We were correct on all three subjects on the UBE, California and Florida bar exams.

The bar exam takers who had our Essay Predictions & Focus Area Blueprint were well prepared for the February 2023 bar exam. The students have been contacting us with their thanks for being so well prepared.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

We Selected all 3 Florida Bar Exam Essay Subjects & Tested Subject Matters on the February 2023 Bar Exam

We selected all 3 Florida essay subjects as well as the Professional Responsibility aspects (please see our February 2023 Florida Essay Prediction and Blueprint).

Our Essay Selector is designed to better prepare our students for the Florida essay bar exam.  It is a hybrid – a legal and fact based document for the preparation for the bar exam.

It is not designed to

 ·         Guarantee tested subjects

·         Only study selected subjects

·         And moreover, prepared for the bar exam in only one way

This study tool is only designed to help you prepare in a smarter and more analytical way. It is a great adjunct study device.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.


Monday, March 6, 2023

We Were Accurate On the February 2023 Essay UBE Predictions with Secured Transactions and Civil Procedure as Highlight Topics To Be Tested on the Bar Exam

Considered traditionally the two (2) most difficult subjects on any bar exam, we correctly selected and analyzed the areas tested.  Please see our February 2023 UBE Predictions and Blueprint.

We can help you start on your UBE preparation. Our special UBE Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of short answer essays of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with critical feedback. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for the UBE.

We also have our extensive three volume set books for the UBE Bar Exam Essays and MBE. These books are titled, “The UBE” and “The MPT and the “MBE”. This three volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in UBE law and the UBE bar exam. If you are having problems passing the UBE, then this innovative approach is ideal for you. This three volume set focuses on most commonly and previously tested areas, frequently tested areas, most likely tested areas, based on UBE trends in the law. It is the ultimate and complete guide to the UBE essays and MBE. Please go to our website and purchase the books.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Friday, March 3, 2023

The July 2023 UBE and MPT Bar Exam Books Are Now Available as Well as Outstanding Tutorial Service

We can help you start on your UBE preparation. Our special UBE Program is designed for working professionals, foreign educated lawyers, repeat takers and everyone who needs one-on-one tutoring services.

We have developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of short answer essays of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with critical feedback. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement. We have also developed a book set for the UBE.

We also have our extensive three volume set books for the UBE Bar Exam Essays and MBE. These books are titled, “The UBE” and “The MPT and the “MBE”. This three volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in UBE law and the UBE bar exam. If you are having problems passing the UBE, then this innovative approach is ideal for you. This three volume set focuses on most commonly and previously tested areas, frequently tested areas, most likely tested areas, based on UBE trends in the law. It is the ultimate and complete guide to the UBE essays and MBE. Please go to our website and purchase the books.

If you have failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, we will help you. We have developed our virtual programs for all students who will take the February or July bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype, by Zoom. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

We have an extensive 3 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This 3 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

 The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

We Were 100% Accurate Including Professional Responsibility on the Florida February 2023 Essay Predictions and Blueprint

We were 100% correct in our essay predictions for the Florida February 2023.  All the subjects that were tested was in our Florida Essay Predictions and Focus Area Blueprint, including Constitutional Law, as our highlight topic, professional responsibility, torts and contracts. That is why you needed our Essay Predictions and Focus Area Blueprint.

We have been very accurate in our bar exam predictions.  For the last 4 UBE Essay exams, we were 19 out of 24 predicted essays. For the last 2 California Essay Exam, we were 7 out of 10 selected essays with priority areas. For the last Florida Essay Exam, we were  75% accurate.

We give first time takers, repeat takers, international and foreign educated students the edge to pass the bar exam. The Essay Predictions teach students the law.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review  at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.