Wednesday, July 29, 2020

"Why Did I Fail the Bar Exam and Why Do I Continue To Fail?" The MBE & UBE Testing Institute Offers a "Free" Conversational Solution, Called the "Talk" offered on 3 Separate Days on August 10th, 11th & 12th

"Why Did I Fail the Bar Exam and Why Do I Continue To Fail?" The MBE & UBE Testing Institute is offering a "free" conversational solution, called the "Talk." The “Talk” will be offered on 3 separate days on August 10th, 11th & 12th.

The “Talk” offers a detailed explanation on why people fail the bar exam from several different perspectives. More importantly, it offers solutions that can be implemented for passing the bar exam by making five (5) major adjustments.

These adjustments will allow you to be more confident, better prepared, and with less test anxiety.

Register at

If you have previously failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, the MBE & UBE Testing Institute will help you. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our virtual  programs for all students who will take the October bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam. We also have an extensive book set for California and the UBE. Contact us today for help.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This  4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Today Is the July Bar Exam and You Will Begin the Rest of Your Life

Today is the bar exam. Relax, be confident and do your thing. You have studied hard for this day and you will perform to the best of your ability. Tonight, go back to your home or to your hotel and rest. Don’t do anymore studying for the MBE. Eat, watch a little television and then go to sleep. You will be so tired, you will be asleep before your head hits your pillow. But it will be a well earned rest. Good luck to everyone. Keep believing in yourself. This is the first day of your life as an attorney.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote extended programs for all students who will take the October or February 2021 bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This 4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Monday, July 27, 2020

1 day to the July Bar Exam: Relax and Be Confident

You are almost to the finish line. Get ready today by relaxing and being confident in your abilities. You have been preparing for your chance to be a lawyer for 3 years or more. You can do this. Go to your hotel room or stay home and try to have a quiet, restful day. No upsets and no panic attacks are allowed. Review your essay notes today, get to bed early and relax. Even if you can’t sleep, lie down with the lights off and get some rest. Your body will thank you tomorrow during the bar exam.

Wake up early on Tuesday, get to the exam site in plenty of time to get registered and kick the crap out of this bar. Make sure you have a positive attitude and be confident in your abilities. Do well, students. You can do this. Good luck to all.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote extended programs for all students who will take the October or February 2021 bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This 4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Will New York follow the UBE States Who Will Take the October Remote Bar Exam?

Illinois, Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, Georgia, Massachusetts, Vermont, Texas, New Jersey, Ohio, New Hampshire, Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virgin Islands, California are all taking the October 5th and 6th remote, online bar exam.

New York has appointed a Working Group to evaluate administering the remote exam on October 5-6 and expects to reach a recommendation by early August.

The NCBE will provide a limited set of questions (MBE, MEE, MPT) to UBE jurisdictions for an emergency remote testing option for local admission during the COVID-19 crisis. The NCBE will provide 100 MBE questions divided into two 50-question sets, 3 MEE questions, and 1 MPT item, such that the materials can be administered in four 90-minute testing sessions. Jurisdictions may choose some or all of these materials. There will be only one remote test administration on October 5–6, with the MEE and MPT questions administered on October 5, and the MBE questions administered on October 6.

This remote testing option will not constitute the full bar exam or the UBE. Scores earned on the remotely administered test will be used for local admission decisions only, and will not qualify as UBE scores. The scores will not be eligible to be transferred as UBE or MBE scores to other jurisdictions or released to candidates via NCBE Score Services. However, DC has entered into reciprocal agreements with Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Tennessee for the portability of scores earned on the remote exam.

For those repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers from Washington, DC. Massachusetts, California, and all other UBE states who will take the remote October bar exam, we can help with an extended program. Remember, that the bar exam scores from DC, Massachusetts and California were some of the lowest passing scores in February.  Don’t wait until the last minute; you need to pass in October.  It may be the best chance you have to pass your bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote extended programs for all students who will take the October or February 2021 bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This 4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Washington, DC , Massachusetts, California and Other UBE States Taking the Bar Exam in October, The MBE & UBE Testing Institute Can Virtually Help You

For those repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers from Washington, DC. Massachusetts, California, and all other UBE states who must wait until October, we can help with an extended program. Remember, that the bar exam scores from DC, Massachusetts and California were some of the lowest passing scores in February.  Don’t wait until the last minute, you need to pass in October.  It may be the best chance you have to pass your bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote extended programs for all students who must wait until September or October or February 2021 to take the bar exam.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute is a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This 4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Ohio Bar Exam: Its First UBE Exam is Off to a Rough Start

Previously, the Supreme Court of Ohio had announced that it would begin using the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) beginning in July 2020. This would have been the first time the UBE was tested in Ohio. The passing score was set at a high 270.

However, with Covid-19 spreading across the United States, the Supreme Court of Ohio announced on May 13 that its first UBE exam will be postponed until September 9-10. At the time of Ohio’s decision to move its bar exam, approximately 18 or 19 states had cancelled their July bar exams and settled for that September 9th date to begin their own bar exam.

But, even in a few short months, the coronavirus situation has caused some states to change once again. State after state seems to be abandoning its plans to have an in person test on September 9-10.  New York is the latest state to cancel its bar exam scheduled for September 9-10. Many are calling for a diploma privilege.

Many states are moving towards an on-line exam starting on October 5th.  Will Ohio follow this trend?

Nevertheless, it is always tough for repeat takers to start all over again with a new kind of bar exam. The passing score of 270 is on the high end of UBE scores. With the coronavirus in full swing, it’s even tougher.  An MBE & UBE Testing Institute tutor can set up a study plan with you, discuss areas of the bar exam materials that you are not getting and keep you motivated and less isolating. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute provides one-on-one substantive lectures on all subjects with practice questions and critiques, and methods and procedures to improve your essay and MBE scores.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This 4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

1 week to the July Bar Exam: Keep Your Focus

Your goal for this last week is to keep your focus while you solidify your knowledge of the black letter law and improve your timing. The week before the exam is a time when you should be cool, collected and confident.

Don’t let anyone or anything distract you this week. It’s not worth it. You only have a week left to go and you can relax later,

Remember to take care of your body and mind. This means eating well, getting some sleep and working on self-confidence.

As to practical things, make sure you have confirmed your travel plans or hotel stay, make sure you have packed what you need to take with you for the bar exam, including your admission ticket, your identification, your watch, if allowed, making sure your examsoft works, etc.

Now that you know the law, make sure your timing is correct, i.e. complete 17 MBE questions in 30 minutes; 34 MBE questions in an hour and complete an essay in the time allotted for your jurisdiction.

It isn’t uncommon to start running out of energy this week. So take some breaks to energize yourself. You need to keep your mind focused on bar material. Your focus is critical to success.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This  4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Monday, July 20, 2020

New York Cancels its Bar Exam, Eyeing The Remote Test Given on October 5th

On July 16, 2020, the Board of Law Examiners made the decision to cancel the September 9-10 administration of the bar examination in New York. The Board arrived at this decision after consideration of current conditions and with a focus on the health and safety of all participants. The Court of Appeals came to the decision that an in-person exam is not yet a safe or practical option in New York.

The Chief Judge has approved a program designed to provide temporary authorization for qualified law graduates to engage in the supervised practice of law. As provided in the Court’s amended rules, the temporary authorization program is available to all first-time takers of the bar examination employed in New York, including both J.D. and LL.M. candidates, irrespective of their graduation year. Once authorized, eligible candidates will be permitted to work under a qualified supervising attorney prior to their admission to the bar and to perform, subject to supervision, many of the functions of admitted attorneys across the State. Candidates may remain in the program through their formal admission to the bar, so long as candidates pass their first bar examination no later than 2021 and promptly seek admission to the bar following the release of exam results.

In addition, the Chief Judge has assembled a Working Group, to study the future of the bar exam in New York. The Working Group has been tasked with evaluating, in a comprehensive manner, the primary assessment tool for New York bar applicants (presently, the Uniform Bar Examination) as well as other proposed metrics for bar admission – including a fully remote bar exam and a diploma privilege, among other alternatives. Relevant considerations will include health and safety, feasibility, equality, security, and the reliability of each proposed alternative as an accurate measure of an applicant’s proficiency.

As its first priority, the Working Group will evaluate the emergency remote testing option to be offered by the NCBE on October 5-6 and endeavor to reach a recommendation by early August.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This  4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Friday, July 17, 2020

California Permanently Lowers the Passing Score to 1390 and The Bar Exam Will be Administered on October 5th and 6th

The California Supreme Court on Thursday announced it will permanently lower the passing score for the California Bar Exam and released plans for an October test administered online.

The court’s letter to State Bar of California trustees includes the following measures for exam takers and 2020 law school graduates:

- The California Bar Exam will be administered online on October 5-6;

- The court directed the State Bar to extend registration for the October exam through July 24;

- The court permanently lowered the passing score from 1440 to 1390;

The court directed the State Bar to expedite creation of a provisional licensure program under supervision to 2020 law school graduates, effective until they can take and pass a California bar exam, and expiring no later than June 1, 2022.

Obtaining an MBE & UBE Testing Institute California bar exam tutor will help you pass. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills. A structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has a unique cross training system that keeps the students working towards their goals of passing the bar exam. We have had much success with students who have taken the bar exam two, three and even eight times.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has its extensive 4 volume book set for California, UBE and Florida. This 4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

California’s Bar Exam In October – Contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute for Help

California will hold its rescheduled bar exam in October, with possibly an on-line bar exam.

No matter how California will hold its bar exam, we all know that the pass rate is abysmal. The pass rate for February was 28%, one of the lowest pass rates in history. Even if you think the bar exam is a long way away, time passes very quickly and before you know it, October or even February 2021 will be here. That’s why you need to enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute extended bar exam program so you have the best chance of passing in October or February.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has written its extensive volume on California law. The California Essay Subject Bar Exam Book is designed specifically for the repeat bar exam taker and the first time California bar taker who needs a more concise understanding of tested California essay subjects. The book is easy to read and hones in on areas that are tested on the California essay bar exam, which eliminates unnecessary and frivolous reading. The book is also designed and written for non-traditional students coming from other fields, working and older students, and foreign educated students whose English is their second language.  This book provides a new approach in preparing for the California essays.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

New York, Illinois, Ohio, New Jersey and Other UBE States: It's Time to Study for Your September 9th Bar Exam. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute Is Here to Help You

There is now 7 weeks until the September 9th and September 10th bar exam.

New York, Illinois, Ohio, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, Hawaii, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota (maybe), Iowa (if needed) are all scheduled for the September 9th bar exam.

For repeat takers, if you have taken the bar exam multiple times and are still not getting the results you want, think about retaining an MBE & UBE Testing Institute tutor. There is obviously something about the way you study or how you study that is not producing results for you. An MBE & UBE Testing Institute tutor can set up a study plan with you, discuss areas of the bar exam materials that you are not getting and keep you motivated and less isolating. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute provides one-on-one substantive lectures on all subjects with practice questions and critiques, and methods and procedures to improve your essay and MBE scores.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has its extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This  4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

2 Weeks Until You Pass the July Bar Exam

You have 2 weeks until the July bar examination. Instead of spending the day getting nervous about the time, concentrate on what you have left to do.

We know that with the pandemic and the state of confusion as to whether your state will postpone the exam has upset and concerned many students who are facing the bar exam in 2 weeks. But try to put your concerns aside and fully focus on what you must do in the remaining 2 weeks. 

By this time, you should have pretty much memorized as much black letter law as you can cram into your brain. It is now time to put away the books and stop studying the law.
What you need to do in these final 2 weeks to prepare yourself for the bar exam is to practice, practice, practice.

Try to do an essay or two every day, testing yourself on a variety of subjects that you know your state tests. Do the essays under test conditions. Once you finish your essay under time constraints, spend an equal amount of time reading your essay and comparing it to the model answer. Read for comprehension, also. There might be a point of law that you did not know that you can learn from reading the model answer.

You also must include taking the time to do the performance test. Try doing 1 performance test every other day. This way you can probably get 5 or 6 performance tests in to your practice sessions prior to the bar exam. On the days you do not do a performance test, practice your essays.

In between the essays and performance tests, you also need to work on questions for the Multistate. Try to get in at least 50-100 MBE questions per day, if you can. This way you can really be sharp when exam time comes.

Don’t waste the time to panic, but do take the time to practice. You will be more prepared than ever if you follow this schedule.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has its extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This  4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Last Week to Sign Up for the MBE & UBE Testing Institute 30-Day Florida Essay and Multiple Choice Program. Enroll Now!

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute is offering a 30-day Florida essay and multiple choice program to get repeat takers ready to take the Florida bar exam on August 19th. Friday is the last day to enroll.

Obtaining an MBE & UBE Testing Institute Florida bar exam tutor will help you pass. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills for the Florida essays and multiple choice. A structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has a unique cross training system that keeps the students working towards their goals of passing the bar exam. We have had much success with students who have taken the bar exam two, three and even eight times. Our 30 day program will help you pass on August 19th.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has its extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE, This  4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute for our California’s Extended Program Bar Exam for October or February 2021

California will hold its rescheduled bar exam in October, with possibly an on-line bar exam.

No matter how California will hold its bar exam, we all know that the pass rate is abysmal. The pass rate for February was 28%, one of the lowest pass rates in history. Even if you think the bar exam is a long way away, time passes very quickly and before you know it, October or even February 2021 will be here. That’s why you need to enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s extended bar exam program so you have the best chance of passing in October or February.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has written its extensive volume on California law. The California Essay Subject Bar Exam Book is designed specifically for the repeat bar exam taker and the first time California bar taker who needs a more concise understanding of tested California essay subjects. The book is easy to read and hones in on areas that are tested on the California essay bar exam, which eliminates unnecessary and frivolous reading. The book is also designed and written for non-traditional students coming from other fields, working and older students, and foreign educated students whose English is their second language.  This book provides a new approach in preparing for the California essays.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the August 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

California, Massachusetts, Washington, DC and Other UBE States Taking the Bar Exam in October, The MBE & UBE Testing Institute Can Help You Virtually and Remotely

For those repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers from California, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Kentucky, Tennessee, Colorado, Texas, Massachusetts, Washington, DC and all other UBE states who must wait until October, we can help with an extended program.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote extended programs for all students who must wait until September or October or February 2021 to take the bar exam.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute is a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has its extensive 4 volume book set for California, UBE and Florida. This 4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the July 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

8 Weeks Until the September Bar Exam – It’s Time for You From New York, Illinois, Ohio, New Jersey and Other UBE States to Get Started. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute Is Here to Help You

There is now 8 weeks until the September 9th and September 10th bar exam.

New York, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, Hawaii, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota (maybe), Iowa (if needed) are all scheduled for the September 9th bar exam.

For those who must retake the bar exam in September 2020, it is 8 weeks until the bar exam. This must be the time to pick up your bar exam books and start studying for a successful bar exam result. You have 2 months to find a new attitude and tell yourself you will pass this time around.

For repeat takers, if you have taken the bar exam multiple times and are still not getting the results you want, think about retaining an MBE & UBE Testing Institute tutor. There is obviously something about the way you study or how you study that is not producing results for you. An MBE & UBE Testing Institute tutor can set up a study plan with you, discuss areas of the bar exam materials that you are not getting and keep you motivated and less isolating. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute provides one-on-one substantive lectures on all subjects with practice questions and critiques, and methods and procedures to improve your essay and MBE scores.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has its extensive 4 volume book set for California, UBE and Florida. This 4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed our remote, online, virtual extended programs for all students who are taking the Florida, Massachusetts, California, New York, UBE September or October 2020 bar exam and states taking the July 2020 bar exam.  We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by online, by telephone, by Facetime, by Skype, by Zoom.  We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated students pass the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s online bar tutor and tutoring.

When you need help passing the bar exam, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

We Work For You!