Bar Professors Bar Exam Review - Bar Professors UBE, Florida, California, Georgia Bar Exam Tutorials, Books and Essay Predictions Blueprints. We Can Help You Pass the July 2025 Bar Exam. Go to our website, to contact the team
Today is the bar exam. Relax, be confident and do your thing. You have studied hard for this day and you will perform to the best of your ability. Tonight, go back to your home or to your hotel and rest. Don’t do anymore studying for the MBE. Eat, watch a little television and then go to sleep. You will be so tired, you will be asleep before your head hits your pillow. But it will be a well earned rest. Good luck to everyone. Keep believing in yourself. This is the first day of your life as an attorney.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
You are almost to the finish line. Get ready today by relaxing and being confident in your abilities. You have been preparing for your chance to be a lawyer for 3 years or more. You can do this. Go to your hotel room or stay home and try to have a quiet, restful day. No upsets and no panic attacks are allowed. Review your essay notes today, get to bed early and relax. Even if you can’t sleep, lie down with the lights off and get some rest. Your body will thank you tomorrow during the bar exam.
Wake up early on Tuesday, get to the exam site in plenty of time to get registered and kick the crap out of this bar. Make sure you have a positive attitude and be confident in your abilities. Do well, students. You can do this. Good luck to all.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
One of the most important factors in your performance on the bar exam is going to be your stamina – to sit for 3 hours at a stretch, with no breaks, concentrating solely on the bar exam will be quite an endeavor. You need to remain focused and energized throughout the bar exam in order for you to do your best work.
First, you need to catch up on your rest and start powering down on your studying this weekend. Try to have a less stressful couple of days. Put in study time, but also sleep, rest and relax. You have done your preparation and now it’s time to get in the game, mentally and physically.
You will be nervous this weekend, but try to contain your anxiety – you have studied hard and you are ready. Review your materials, go over your outlines, write out an essay or two to keep in practice and also work on some MBE questions – making sure you read the explanations of why the answer choices are right or wrong. Don’t let doubt creep into your thinking. You must be confident – you know you will pass. Good luck.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
Part of the battle to pass the bar exam is your attitude. Don’t go into the bar with negative energy. You must have confidence in your abilities. You have to go into the bar fired up and excited. This is your future and you will conquer it. You have studied extensively, you know the information and now you will prove it when you enter the bar examination. A positive attitude is half the battle. You feel good – you do good. With confidence, you have won before you have started.
Where does confidence come from? Confidence doesn’t come out of nowhere. It’s a result of something… hours and days and weeks and years of work, dedication and training. You are ready. You will go into the bar exam prepared to pass the exam. You have studied, written essays and practiced the MBE questions – you can do no more. Your analysis is sharp and you have a great game plan. You have prepared and you are confident.
For those who are taking the bar exam as a repeat taker, do not lose your edge. Do not look back at your past failures and think you cannot pass the bar exam. Do not doubt yourself, do not be afraid that you will repeat your mistakes. You must go into the exam with confidence that you will pass the bar exam. If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground. Believe that you will pass.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
During this last week before the bar exam, I have many students ask me what my prediction is for exam subjects. Anyone who claims to predict what will be on the bar exam is just guessing. I remember one year, a lecturer on the bar exam circuit claimed that since trusts had been tested in the previous test cycle, it would not be tested again and to forget about trusts. Unfortunately, many students took that advice and freaked when they opened the exam questions on the day of the bar exam and saw that the bar examiners did in fact test trusts twice in a row. This cautionary tale is meant to be what it is – do not endlessly search for predictions or to take anyone’s predictions as gospel. You have prepared for any eventuality – in any subject that is tested. Don’t try to second guess yourself and your preparation or to find a shortcut in your studies. This weekend, make sure you review every subject that is tested in your state. Only then will you be thoroughly prepared, with or without, any person’s prediction of what subjects will be tested on the essays.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
It is now 6 days to the bar exam. Your job today, along with continuing to practice your exam techniques, is to think about consistency. In all the bar exam scores I have read, I have rarely seen an up and down score, with a student doing great in one subject and horrible in another subject. i.e., a 10 in property, a 30 in torts. Instead, there is a consistency of scores across the board. The student is routinely good in all the subjects, or routinely bad in the subjects. Your objective is, of course, to be perform consistently well across the spectrum of subjects and across the tasks you must do in order to pass the bar exam.
How do you perform consistently well in all subjects? Your consistency started with your study plan, when you first began this bar exam process. Hard work always demands a consistency of its own in your thoughts, purpose and action over that long period of study time and your sense of purpose has been the most important aspect of your life, these past 2 months. Every day you approached your bar exam studies with the steadiness of an athlete in training. In just a few days from now, all of your hard work will pay off because you dedicated your time and effort to consistent study. Like that athlete, you will win your race.
With that consistency of study time and steadfastness, you walk into the bar exam with a sense of security and confidence that you will pass the bar exam.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
Your goal for this last week is to keep your focus while you solidify your knowledge of the black letter law and improve your timing. The week before the exam is a time when you should be cool, collected and confident.
Don’t let anyone or anything distract you this week. It’s not worth it. You only have a week left to go and you can relax later,
Remember to take care of your body and mind. This means eating well, getting some sleep and working on self-confidence.
As to practical things, make sure you have confirmed your travel plans or hotel stay, make sure you have packed what you need to take with you for the bar exam, including your admission ticket, your identification, your watch, if allowed, making sure your examsoft works, etc.
Now that you know the law, make sure your timing is correct, i.e. complete 17 MBE questions in 30 minutes; 34 MBE questions in an hour and complete an essay in the time allotted for your jurisdiction.
It isn’t uncommon to start running out of energy this week. So take some breaks to energize yourself. You need to keep your mind focused on bar material. Your focus is critical to success.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
Today marks 8 days to the bar exam. Hopefully, this weekend, you caught up on any sleep you have been missing. You need to be physically well and fit. You need to be sharp on the days of the bar exam and you can’t be smart when you are exhausted. Keep that in mind this week. If you need to take a cat nap, go ahead and take it. Meanwhile, keep on your bar exam schedule. Start studying at 9 am for a 3 hour stretch. Take an hour break and study again for another 3 hour stretch. It will be up to you whether you want to study longer. If you feel you need to, go ahead and review your notes or essays at night, but don’t study night and day. You will only tire yourself out. Try to keep your nerves under control.
Think about today and what you need to accomplish today only. This technique should help you not think too much about next week.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be conducting a Florida Bar Exam Essay workshop this weekend on July 14th in Naples, Florida. Improve your essay performance on the Florida bar exam. Only $299 to attend. Sign up now as spaces are limited. This is the last day for sign up.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
Critical thinking is the key to being a lawyer and to passing the bar exam. Reading the bar exam essays and the MBE fact pattern is not like reading a novel. Instead, you must pick through the facts, actively thinking of what each fact means. Critical thinking means that you must carefully examine the essay fact patterns and the MBE fact patterns. You must sort through the fact pattern, looking at salient facts so that you can make the next step of identifying issues. You will need to draw inferences from the facts and synthesize the facts into law. Look for nuisances and distinctions as you read. This will help you to answer the essay questions and pick the right answer choice on the MBE.
Reading critically and thinking through each fact, while using your logic and your legal reasoning, will allow you to understand what the question is asking you to do. Remember to evaluate every fact. Do not look at the whole of any question; instead, break it down into bites of facts, and you will come to the central issue of all fact patterns. Then you can start the essay writing process or answer the MBE question correctly.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
You have 2 weeks until the bar examination. Instead of spending the day getting nervous about the time, concentrate on what you have left to do.
By this time, you should have pretty much memorized as much black letter law as you can cram into your brain. It is now time to put away the books and stop studying the law.
What you need to do in these final 2 weeks to prepare yourself for the bar exam is to practice, practice, practice. You are now familiar with your state test and the MBE questions and what to expect from the bar exam.
Try to do an essay or two every day, testing yourself on a variety of subjects that you know your state tests. Do the essays under test conditions. Once you finish your essay under time constraints, spend an equal amount of time reading your essay and comparing it to the model answer. Read for comprehension, also. There might be a point of law that you did not know that you can learn from reading the model answer.
For those states who have the UBE, and California or who have performance tests, you also must include taking the time to do the performance test also. Try doing 1 performance test every other day. This way you can probably get 5 or 6 performance tests in to your practice sessions prior to the bar exam. On the days you do not do a performance test, practice your essays.
In between the essays and performance tests, you also need to work on questions for the Multistate. Try to get in at least 50 MBE questions per day, if you can. This way you can really be sharp when exam time comes.
Don’t waste the time to panic, but do take the time to practice. You will be more prepared than ever if you follow this schedule.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
Studying for the bar is more like a marathon than a
sprint. Compare it to your favorite sport that you play. Do you remember how
hard it was to pick it up in the beginning? You had to keep at it and practice
every day before you started to improve and get better at your game. You worked
at that game until you became a true proficient at it.
That game you mastered long ago is similar to how
you must master and pass the bar exam. Every day you chip away at the large
amount of material, taking manageable bites until you have mastered that bite
and go onto the next one. As someone has once said, how do you eat an elephant
– with one bite at a time. In other words, take smaller sections of the vast
material, learn it and then take another section of the bar exam and learn that
section, until, before you know it, you have learned the law, practiced your
questions and are ready to sit for the bar exam.
Always stay in the moment of that day, because if
you look too far ahead, you will waste precious time worrying about the large
amount of material you must learn or how fast the time is ticking before the
bar exam.
Taking the bar exam is not a sprint. You cannot do
everything in one day. Do not drive yourself to exhaustion thinking that you
must skip meals, skip the gym, skip sleeping in order to prepare yourself for
the bar exam. You cannot run down your body or your mind. Take regular breaks
so that you can come back refreshed and ready to learn.
Remember, it was the tortoise that won the race, and
not the hare. And to quote the tortoise, “slowly does it every time”.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be conducting a Florida Bar Exam Essay workshop on July 14th in Naples, Florida. Improve your essay performance on the Florida bar exam. Only $299 to attend. Sign up now as spaces are limited. This is the last day for sign up.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
Three weeks to the bar exam is a good time to evaluate how you are doing. You have enough time to now pinpoint your weak areas and enough time to change your schedule if you feel you’re spinning your wheels. Consider this day your line in the sand.
By now you should have done several hundred multistate questions, at least 15 state essays and at least 4 performance tests.
Make sure you are peaking on exam day. If you are like some of my students who study all night, stop it today. Get up at 6 am or 7 am and start studying at 9 am until 12 pm, with no breaks, then study from 1 pm to 4 pm, with no breaks, You want to mimic the bar exam hours so you are at your peak at 9 am every day.
Don’t pretend you’re not nervous. Accept that it’s okay to be nervous. Channel that nervous energy properly by attacking your study schedule and transform your nerves into confidence. But, remember, you do not want to be overly tired for the bar exam. Try to sleep through the night or, at least, take some cat naps during the day to catch up on missed sleep.
One of the most important things to do during this 3 week period is not to doubt your abilities. You can pass this bar and you know it. You just need to be in the top 2/3rds of your state. Don’t stress too much about what you don’t know – you are not expected to get a 100% on this test – it’s more like 60%. The examiners expect that you will have weak areas. Go into the bar exam with the knowledge you will pass the bar exam.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.
As to timing of the MBE, you must answer 100 questions in 3 hours, both in the morning and the afternoon. Breaking it down further, you must answer each question in 1.8 minutes, or 17 questions in a half hour and 34 questions in an hour. You must be able to sustain that fast pace.
As you practice, keep that pace in mind. It is imperative that you finish all 200 questions. You do not want to leave any questions unanswered or unread and lose valuable points. As you know, even 1 point or 2 points can mean the difference between passing and failing.
Not only do you need to answer the questions, you need to answer them correctly.
How do you build up your time and accuracy? In the beginning of this process, start with 17 questions first – note your time and your accuracy. As you get better at your accuracy, your time will also get better. Once you feel that you are comfortable with the 17 questions, then, proceed to doing 34 questions in one sitting. Again, notice how long it took you and your accuracy. Then move up doing 68 questions in 2 hours, until finally you are working at 3 hour stretches.
You must get comfortable and condition yourself to sitting for 3 hours, working on MBE questions, without losing your focus or concentration. In the last couple of weeks, prior to the bar exam, you should be working on 3 hour blocks for the MBE.
Once you get to the bar exam, write down the time for 34 questions, 68 questions or break it down in half hours, i.e. 17, 34, 51 etc., so you can glance at your sheet and know that you are on schedule to answer all 100 questions in that session.
Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a
repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing
Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction
with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.