Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be conducting a UBE & MBE Exam seminar in Charleston, South Carolina, and in Newark, New Jersey in December

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be holding a UBE and MBE Seminar in Charleston, South Carolina and in Newark, New Jersey in December. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute only accepts a limited amount of students for each seminar to ensure a maximum learning environment. Sign up now to express your interest and reserve your seat.

This intensive seminar is for first time bar takers, repeat bar takers, foreign educated lawyers and any person looking to improve on the UBE and MBE. This seminar will address all UBE and MBE subjects with “special emphasis placed on Federal Civil Procedure”. The seminar will be conducted by multiple law professors who are experts in teaching the UBE and the MBE and are experienced litigators.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Washington, DC and South Carolina Bar Exam Results and Bar Professors Tutorial and Seminars

Last week was a busy week for bar exam results.  Washington, DC and South Carolina, both UBE states, released their results.  Washington, DC released its results on Thursday and its overall pass rate was 72%.  South Carolina released its results on Friday and its overall pass rate was 68%. The South Carolina’s law school pass rates were also released.  Charleston School of Law’s pass rate was 43.5%, University of South Carolina’s pass rate was 76% and the other law schools passed at a 73%.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute offers Washington, DC and South Carolina UBE bar exam private bar tutorials.  Don’t try the same method again and again. We can help you pass the UBE. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills so they can properly navigate through the UBE bar exam. This structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Friday, October 27, 2017

South Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, Georgia Bar Exam Results

A busy day for the release of  state bar exam results. South Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and Georgia bar exam results for July 2017 will be released today.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will post the results on our facebook page today.  Good luck to everyone who is waiting for results.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute offers South Carolina UBE bar exam private bar tutorials.  Don’t try the same method again and again. We can help you pass the UBE. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills so they can properly navigate through the UBE bar exam. This structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The New York and New Jersey Bar Exam Results and the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Tutorials and Seminars

Yesterday, the New York BOLE released the names of all the applicants who passed the bar exam.  New Jersey released their results on October 13th

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute offers New York and New Jersey bar exam private bar tutorials.  
Don’t try the same method again and again. Remember, New York and now, New Jersey are both UBE states. This will enable you to sit for the exam in either New York or New Jersey and waived into the other state.

Obtaining a MBE & UBE Testing Institute New York and New Jersey bar exam tutor will help you pass. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills so they can properly navigate through the New York and New Jersey bar exam. This structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers.
The MBE & UBE Testing Institute also specializes in tutoring foreign educated lawyers and LLM students.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be conducting a New York Bar Exam seminar in Newark in December.

This one day intensive seminar is for first time bar takers, repeat bar takers, foreign educated lawyers and any person looking to improve on the New York and New Jersey UBE Bar Exam.  The seminar will be conducted by multiple law professors who are experts in teaching the UBE Bar Exam and are experienced litigators.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The New York Bar Exam Has Been Released and Here are the Statistics

The New York bar exam results for July 2017 are now out, as well as the statistics. New York had a  68% overall pass rate. For first time takers it was 86% for all ABA graduates.  All first time takers pass rate  was 78% which included the foreign educated lawyers.

The foreign educated attorneys pass rate was 57% for first time takers and 48% overall. A big increase from last year.

Congratulations to those who have passed. If you did not pass, please go to mbetestinginstitute.com for information on private tutorials.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

New York Foreign Educated and International Lawyers, Sign Up Now for The MBE & UBE Testing Institute Tutorial Program

The pass rate is dismal for foreign educated and international lawyers. That’s why, before sitting for a bar exam, foreign educated and international lawyers need a MBE & UBE Testing Institute bar tutor. Working with a MBE & UBE Testing Institute tutor will dramatically improve your chances of passing. Above all else, start early.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has a specialized tutoring service especially for foreign educated and international lawyers.

Whether you are stateside or abroad, the MBE & UBE Testing Institute offers private tutoring for foreign educated lawyers for the UBE, New York and California bar exams.

The statistics say you must get help. Contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute  now and we can help you with the February 2018  bar exam.  You owe it to your future.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute can help you succeed.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Monday, October 23, 2017

The California Bar Exam Cut Score Will Continue to be 1440

The California Supreme Court announced it will not lower the passing score for the state’s bar exam—or the so-called “cut” score. California’s cut score is the second-highest in the nation behind Delaware.

The court was not persuaded that the bar exam pass score of 1440 should be lower.  The court reasoned that the downward trend in pass rates appears to be consistent with a broader national pattern.

Law school deans, students and lawmakers have been pressing the court to lower the cut score. A California State Bar committee stocked with law school deans recommended in August that the Supreme Court reduce the bar exam passing score by up to 6.25 percent.  90% of test takers wanted the score to be reduced, while 80% of CA lawyers opposed the reduction.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has designed a writing and analytical program for repeat California bar takers in a tutorial format to address all writing and analytical deficiencies of the bar taker. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute can help you fine tune your writing skills and MBE analysis.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Arizona Bar Exam Results Statistics and Enrolling in Bar Professors’ UBE Bar Exam Course

Arizona released its bar exam statistics and they are very enlightening.  The overall pass rate was 56.6% with repeat bar exam takers passing at only a 21.7% (only 32 repeat takers passed out of 147 applicants). First time takers pass rate was 69.4%, while second time takers passed at only 20%, 3rd time takers passed at a 21% pass rate, fourth time takers passed at a 21%. We can see how repeat bar exam takers really struggle to pass the bar exam.  That’s why we specialize in only repeat bar exam takers – we are the experts in helping repeat bar exam takers pass the bar exam. Contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute for help today.

As to the law schools, it’s no wonder that Arizona Summit is on probation for low pass rates.  First time takers passed at only a 25.7% pass rate while repeat bar exam takers only passed at 18% for an overall pass rate of 20%.  ASU’s first time taker pass rate was a strong 74%, repeat takers passed at a 50% pass rate and, overall, ASU had a 72.6% pass rate.  The Univ of Arizona also had a strong first time pass rate of 76.1%, a repeat taker pass rate of only 10% and an overall pass rate of 67.1%.  Other ABA schools passed at a 69.5% first time taker pass rate, a 21.7% pass rate for repeat takers and an overall pass rate of 56.7%.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Repeat Takers Need to Enroll in The MBE & UBE Testing Institute New York and UBE Bar Exam Course

New York will release their bar exam results probably next week.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute offers New York UBE bar exam private bar tutorials.  Don’t try the same method again and again. Remember, New York is a UBE state. This will enable you to sit for the exam in either New York or New Jersey and waive into the other state.

Obtaining a MBE & UBE Testing Institute New York UBE bar exam tutor will help you pass. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills so they can properly navigate through the New York bar exam. This structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute also specializes in tutoring foreign educated lawyers and LLM students.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Repeat Takers Need to Enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Florida Bar Exam Course

It has been approximately a month since the bar results came out in Florida.

For repeat takers taking the February 2018 bar exam you should start preparing now. You must enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Florida bar exam course. Trying and preparing the same way has produced negative results. Repeat takers in Florida pass at a percentage lower than 40%. Why risk this result again? Ask yourself where you would be if you failed again in February?  Don’t gamble with your profession.  Enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Florida bar exam course to help you pass in February 2018.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The California Bar Exam Results and The MBE & UBE Testing Institute California Bar Exam Course

It is 1 month until the California bar exam results are released on November 17, 2017. As we know, this is the first results coming out under the new changes in the California bar exam.  We will see how the new 2 day format changed the pass rate.  In addition, they may be changing the score needed to pass the California bar exam effective in February but retroactive to July 2017.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has designed a writing and analytical program for repeat California bar takers in a tutorial format to address all writing and analytical deficiencies of the bar taker. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute can help you fine tune your writing skills and MBE analysis.

Contact us for early bird discounts and partial scholarships now.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Monday, October 16, 2017

The New York and New Jersey UBE Bar Exam Results and The MBE & UBE Testing Institute Tutorials and Seminars

On Friday New Jersey released their bar exam results through its portal. New York will release their bar exam results near the end of this month.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute offers New York or New Jersey UBE bar exam private bar tutorials.  Don’t try the same method again and again. Remember, New York and now, New Jersey are both UBE states. This will enable you to sit for the exam in either New York or New Jersey and waive into the other state.

Obtaining a MBE & UBE Testing Institute New York or New Jersey UBE bar exam tutor will help you pass. Many students who are repeat bar takers need a bar exam coach to help them improve their writing and analytical skills so they can properly navigate through the New York or New Jersey bar exam. This structured, personalized program is the key to passing the bar for repeat takers. One of our students who could not get above a 118 on her MBE scored 139 and passed after her third attempt.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute also specializes in tutoring foreign educated lawyers and LLM students.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be conducting a New York Bar Exam seminar in Newark in December

This one day intensive seminar is for first time bar takers, repeat bar takers, foreign educated lawyers and any person looking to improve on the New York UBE Bar Exam.  The seminar will be conducted by multiple law professors who are experts in teaching the New York Bar Exam and are experienced litigators.

Contact us for early bird discounts and partial scholarships now.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Enrolling in The MBE & UBE Testing Institute UBE Bar Exam Course, including, Arizona, Washington, DC, New York, New Jersey

For repeat takers taking the February 2018 bar exam you should start preparing now. You must enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute bar exam course. Trying and preparing the same way has produced negative results. Repeat takers for the UBE pass at a percentage lower than 40%. Why risk this result again? Ask yourself where you would be if you failed again in February?  Don’t gamble with your profession.  Enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute bar exam course to help you pass in February 2018.

We have special discounts for our students in Illinois, Connecticut, Arkansas, Missouri and Kentucky, Arizona, Colorado, Washington, DC, New York, New Jersey and all UBE states.  Don’t wait. Contact us for early bird discounts and partial scholarships now.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Arizona Bar Exam Results and Enrolling in The MBE & UBE Testing Institute UBE Bar Exam Course

Arizona’s bar exam results will be released tomorrow, on Friday, October 13, 2017.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers for Arizona, addressing the writing techniques of short answer essays of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with critical feedback. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute provides one-on-one substantive lectures on all subjects with practice questions and critiques, and methods and procedures to improve your essay, MBE and MPT  scores. Enroll in our MBE & UBE Testing Institute UBE Exam Course.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

UBE Tutorials for the New Jersey and New York Bar Exam

The New Jersey and New York bar exam results will probably be out by the end of the month.    The MBE & UBE Testing Institute can help you get an early start on your UBE preparation.

Early preparation is the key to learning the UBE and its testing methods.

This special UBE New Jersey and New York program is designed for working professionals. Early preparation will allow you sufficient time to learn the new material and be prepared for February.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute has developed a rigorous program for bar exam takers, addressing the writing techniques of short answer essays of the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) with critical feedback. This feedback is important for the repeat bar takers’ overall improvement.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute provides one-on-one substantive lectures on all subjects with practice questions and critiques, and methods and procedures to improve your essay scores.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute is preparing classes now for jump-starting your UBE study.  Our early bird study schedule provides an easy start to those professionals who work full time or for the foreign educated students to have enough time to prepare.

New classes are starting now for the UBE.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE & MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Enrolling in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Florida Bar Exam Course

It has been three weeks since the bar results came out in Florida.

For repeat takers taking the February 2018 bar exam you should start preparing now. You must enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Florida bar exam course. Trying and preparing the same way has produced negative results. Repeat takers in Florida pass at a percentage lower than 40%. Why risk this result again? Ask yourself where you would be if you failed again in February?  Don’t gamble with your profession.  Enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Florida bar exam course to help you pass in February 2018.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Friday, October 6, 2017

The UBE Colorado Pass Rate and the Low Repeat Taker Pass Rate

Colorado has released its bar exam statistics for July 2017.  The first time taker pass rate was good at 77%, except for schools outside the state of Colorado – those applicants passed at a 69% pass rate. However, the pass rate for repeat takers were very low.  The overall repeat taker rate for all repeat takers was 60% but the University of Colorado’s repeat taker pass rate was only 33% and the University of Denver’s repeat taker pass rate was only 44%.

Here are the statistics:

University of Colorado:  first time pass rate:  87% pass rate;  for repeat takers:  33%
University of Denver:  first time pass rate:  78% pass rate; for repeat takers:  44%
National Schools:  first time pass rate:  97% pass rate; for repeat takers : 0%
Other Schools:  first time pass rate:  69%; for repeat takers:  67%
Total:  first time pass rate; 77%; for repeat takers:  60%

All repeat takers need help passing the Colorado and UBE bar exam. For students who were unsuccessful on the July 2017 Colorado and UBE bar exam, it is imperative that you retain a MBE & UBE Testing Institute tutor to start your preparation for the February 2018 Colorado and UBE bar exam. We can help you be successful in February.  The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be conducting one-on-one tutorials for all Colorado and UBE students.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Colorado, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Delaware Bar Exam Results

Colorado and Louisiana's bar exam results for July 2017 will be released today. Pennsylvania, Tennessee and possibly Delaware will be released on Friday.  Good luck to those waiting for results!

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Puerto Rico Law Graduates taking the Florida Bar Exam: Enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute Bar Exam Review Course

We know that there are many students who graduate from law schools in Puerto Rico who sit for the Florida bar exam.  Passing the Florida, bar exam is hard enough, especially when English may be your second language or the subject matter has yet to be learned. Your biggest challenge is passing the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute have worked with many law students and lawyers educated in Puerto Rico and the major issue we find is in writing skills. The students know the law, they just don’t know how to articulate it in written form. As we know, quality writing skills are imperative to passing any bar exam.

For those students coming from Puerto Rico, you must start early. You cannot expect to learn the law, practice your writing skills and hone your analytical skills in only two months. Start at least four to six months ahead of the bar exam.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute will be holding a bar review workshop in Orlando in the coming months.  Please email us for more information.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Older, Wiser, Mature Working Bar Applicant with Families – One Size Bar Exam Course Does Not Fit All Repeat Takers

We, at the MBE & UBE Testing Institute, recognize and are dedicated to providing a unique bar exam course tutorial experience for repeat bar takers who are working, older, with families, foreign educated and people who are entering the legal profession after an extended career in other fields. It is important to understand these non-traditional students must balance significant time to their work, families and their bar exam preparation. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute understand that one size does not fit all as traditional bar prep courses may offer. Our bar exam course tutorial program with a bar exam tutor is tailored to the bar applicant’s schedule, therefore, providing optimal study and preparation time for the bar exam.  We can help you pass.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Enrolling in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute UBE Bar Exam Course

For repeat takers taking the February 2018 bar exam you should start preparing now. You must enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute UBE bar exam course. Trying and preparing the same way has produced negative results. Repeat takers pass at a percentage lower than 40%. Why risk this result again? Ask yourself where you would be if you failed again in February?  Don’t gamble with your profession.  Enroll in the MBE & UBE Testing Institute UBE bar exam course to help you pass in February 2018.

The MBE & UBE Testing Institute knows that taking the bar exam as a repeat taker can be an isolating experience. The MBE & UBE Testing Institute helps the student keep motivated and confident through interaction with an MBE & UBE Testing Institute’s bar tutor.

When you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE & UBE Testing Institute at pass@mbetestinginstitute.com for more information, like us on facebook at UBE& MBE Testing Institute, follow us on twitter @MBETesting, see us on youtube.

The PASS System!