Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sign Up for an MBE Tutor for the Bar Exam for July 2014 before the MBE Revisions in February 2015

To those students who must take the July MBE again, remember, that effective on the February 2015 MBE, the bar examiners have expanded the subject material to include federal civil procedure. So, instead of studying only 6 subjects, those that have to take the February 2015 MBE, they will also have to study 7 subjects.

Our advice to those who are sitting for the MBE exam in July – you need to pass the MBE in July before the changes to the MBE begin in February 2015. Hire an MBE tutor today to make sure you pass the MBE exam in July and not have to worry about the changes in February 2015.

An MBE Tutor is so important to the repeat taker.  The MBE Testing Institute can help you overcome the difficulty of the MBE test and help you to a successful score.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at for more information.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Analyzing Your MBE Score

I have talked with many students this bar exam cycle about their MBE scores. Many students I talked with failed the MBE while passing the state portion of their bar exam. The MBE is always difficult because you have to get the right answer or you get no points. Across the board, whether you are from Harvard or from a third tier score, contracts and property are one and two for the hardest subjects of the six – and where most students have the most difficult. Torts is ranked as the easiest subject in terms of how many questions students get right nationally.

Unfortunately, the NCBE no longer releases the raw score or the individual subjects scores.  Evaluation of your scores is no longer possible.  Without the raw scores, you are unable to see whether you were weak in certain areas or across the board.  So, in studying for the July 2014 exam, you will have to assume that you have across the board weakness.  Most likely,  you have problems with the analytical portion of the test – you are not understanding the strategy of elimination.

An MBE Tutor is so important to the repeat taker.  The MBE Testing Institute can help you overcome the difficulty of the MBE test and help you to a successful score.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at for more information.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The NCBE, the Raw Scores for the MBE and the Repeat Takers' Need for a MBE Tutor

We have always looked forward to reviewing the raw scores of the MBE, including the point differential between the scaled scores and raw scores.  Also, important to the repeat taker was the individual raw scores of each subject. The raw scores of each subject was an essential tool for the repeat taker to evaluate how he did on each subject.  What was the repeat takers' weakest subject or was the repeat taker weak in every subject?

Unfortunately, effective this bar exam cycle, the NCBE no longer releases raw scores or releases the individual subjects in terms of difficulty.  

The NCBE has decided  not to give the repeat taker a raw score or to list how the repeat taker did in each subject.  This is of a great disadvantage to the repeat taker, since the repeat taker does not know if he has a weak or strong testing subject.
But we do know, that in the past bar cycles, the scaled score was anywhere between 12-18 points.  So, the repeat taker can approximate how he did, percentage wise, on the MBE.  Remember, the repeat taker needs to test at approximately a 65% for a successful MBE score.
That is why an MBE Tutor is so important to the repeat taker.  The MBE Testing Institute can help you overcome the difficulty of the MBE test and help you to a successful score.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at for more information.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Release of the Missouri Statistics Show a Need for an MBE Tutor for Repeat Takers

We have always looked forward to reviewing Missouri statistics when that state releases its bar exam results.  Unfortunately, effective this bar exam cycle, the NCBE no longer releases raw scores or releases the individual subjects in terms of difficulty. 

However, we can still gleam some important information for both Missouri and Pennsylvania’s bar exam results.

Pennsylvania has given us the mean average for the MBE, nationwide.  Pennsylvania tells us that the mean average was 137.957 for the February 2014 bar exam.  This is helpful to those states who bifurcate their bar results, like Florida.  Florida requires a minimum score of 136 in order to pass the MBE section of the bar exam outright.  A mean score of the MBE would be successful student in Florida.

Now let’s look at Missouri and its statistics.  The first time taker had a mean score of 140; with a second time taker mean score of 130 and a third time taker mean score of 127.5.  It’s incredible to think that between the first time taker and second time taker, there was a difference of 10 points, which is quite substantial to overcome. That’s why an MBE Tutor is so important to the repeat taker.  The MBE Testing Institute can help you overcome that difference.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at for more information.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The MBE Research Shows a Need for an MBE Tutor

Statistics show that repeat MBE takers make the same mistakes over and over, never growing their previous MBE scores.  However, this pattern can be elevated by enrolling in the MBE Testing Institute MBE tutorial program. 

This innovative approach to the MBE has increased many repeat takers scores by 15%  to 18%.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at for more information.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Get an MBE Tutor for the Florida Bar Exam

The Florida Bar Exam Results for February 2014 will come out today, on Monday, April 14th

Remember, Florida is a state where you can pass the  Florida section and not the MBE.  If this happens to you, get help through the MBE Testing Institute.  Pass the MBE in July before the changes to the MBE in February 2015.

Good luck today to those who are waiting in Florida. 
If you need help passing the MBE, contact the MBE Testing Institute at for more information.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Florida Bar Exam and the MBE

The Florida Bar Exam Results for February 2014 will come out on Monday, April 14th

Florida is one of few states where the MBE score and the Florida essays can be passed separately.  Instead of a combined score, Florida has allowed students to retake only one section of the bar exam, if needed.

A student applicant can pass Part A, the Florida section or pass Part B, which is the MBE portion of the bar exam.  If that student applicant has enough points from either section, it may carry over to the section that student failed and the student can then have enough points to pass the Florida bar exam. 

Usually, if a student fails one section of the bar exam, it is not enough to score an overall pass for the Florida bar exam and that student will have to take that failed section over again.  The student does not have to sit for the entire bar exam again, just the section that he failed.

Because of the unique difficulties of the MBE section of the bar, students usually fail the MBE section more readily than the Florida portion of the bar exam.  The MBE Testing Institute will help you develop and cultivate these important skills for passing the MBE. The tutorial is available to any Florida repeat taker having difficulty passing the MBE.  Remember, you must pass the MBE in July or you will be forced to study for civil procedure as the new subject in the MBE in February.

Contact us at for more information.

Friday, April 11, 2014

The MBE Tested Subjects for February 2015 – Federal Civil Procedure

Effective February 2015, the MBE will expand to 7 subjects, which includes 27 questions on the subject of Federal Civil Procedure.  The MBE Testing Institute has created a specific program for its students addressing this newly tested subject.

Contact us at for more information.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Passing the MBE

The MBE is not only a reading comprehension exam, but an exam that tests legal patterns in the law. To pass the MBE, you must know the black letter law completely and have the requisite recall and recognition skills developed by the professors at the MBE Testing Institute.  
The MBE Testing Institute will help you develop and cultivate these important skills for passing the MBE. The tutorial is available to anyone having difficulty passing the MBE test.  Contact us at for more information.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The MBE Testing Institute’s Professors

All of our professors are experts in teaching the MBE as well as experienced practitioners.  All of our professors are current or former law school professors with litigation experience which translates well for conveying the law to our tutorial clients

For those repeat takers who must sit for the July 2014 MBE exam, contact the MBE Testing Institute at  Our experienced professors will help you improve your score.  You do not want to have to take the MBE again in February and have to study a new subject.  Contact us today.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The July 2014 MBE Exam

Effective on the February 2015 MBE bar exam, the Multistate Bar Exam will expand to 7 subjects, including the testing of Federal Civil Procedure. As the MBE increases to 7 subjects, the MBE will reduce the amount of questions for each subject. 

July 2014 is the last bar exam that will test only the 6 subjects:  Contracts, Property, Torts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence and Constitutional Law.

For those repeat takers who must sit for the July 2014 MBE exam, contact the MBE Testing Institute at  Our experienced professors will help you improve your score.  You do not want to have to take the MBE again in February and have to study a new subject.  Contact us today.